Erica Zhān



Erica Zhān


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Walking on A Moment So Fleeting—Watching the Mystery of Jiang Jie's Life | The Art Journal (formerly The Art Newspaper China), August 2023

Interview and review of sculpture artist Jiang Jie’s solo exhibition “A Moment So Fleeting” at United Art Museum in Wuhan
[English] [Chinese]

Artists Haven’t Forgotten—20 Years Since 9/11 | The Art Journal (formerly The Art Newspaper China), September 2021

[English] [Chinese]

Starting Anew at the Crossroads—Choices and Futures of New Art Graduates | The Art Journal (formerly The Art Newspaper China), July 2021

[English] [Chinese]

Inspiration of Exceptional Status—A New World of Online Art in the Post-Pandemic Era | The Art Journal (formerly The Art Newspaper China), April 2021

[English] [Chinese

Comtemporary Art Leaps Into The Digital Era—The Emerging Global Dital Map of Art Events | The Art Journal (formerly The Art Newspaper China), April 2021 

[English] [Chinese

Sisyphus and The Ship of Thesues—Li Binyuan’s Decade-Long Journey of Self-Sculpture | The Art Journal (formerly The Art Newspaper China), December, 2019

Interview and review of performance artist Li Binyuan’s solo exhibition “Li Binyuan” at HOW Art Museum in Shanghai
[English] [Chinese]