or lighter than a goose feather
Sealed plastic bags, labels, paper, pens
Dimension variable
“or lighter than a goose feather” is a collection of notes sealed in plastic bags received from my durational performance that happened at Tangential Unspace Art Lab in Chicago. To activate the performance, I left an instruction with a weighing scale for the audience to stop by, read and follow. The title comes from an ancient Chinese phrase, “或轻于鸿毛,” used to refer to things of no importance and value. While being asked to write down the insignificant happenings or words emerging randomly, regularly, or suddenly in their daily lives, the audience picked up another object to weigh down with the words. The weights labeled on the plastic bags visualize and materialize the value of their ignoring languages and happenings.
a. write a poem/a word/first words you heard today on an object (paper, leaf, skin, cigarette, bottle, anything)
b. weigh it down
c. record the weight displayed
d. seal your words in a bag
e. label it with the weight